Best Books of 2012

Time often seems as though it’s whirring by in one big kaleidoscopic blur, but you can always ground yourself by taking a look back at the year that was. Though we averted the Mayan apocalypse, 2012 was still a monumental year, especially for books. New hardcovers can carry quite a hefty price tag upon their release, but you can’t go wrong with this crop of 2012 books, now available at used book prices that don’t break the bank.

Making our list are titles that capture the imagination through tension, transcendence, intrigue, candid humanity and unique participation requirements. Richard Ford’s Canada, his first novel in six years, covers everything from the growing pains of adolescence and the dynamic of family life to survival against the odds all wrapped in a gripping story of bank robbery and murder. Wild by Cheryl Strayed became the year’s best memoir by documenting how immersion with Nature inspired the transcendence of inner turmoil. By using unreliable narrators (and by switching back and forth between husband and wife narrators), Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is packed full of intrigue and deception and makes for one of the year’s most enthralling and tension-packed reads. Kurt Vonnegut: Letters shows a side of the famed author few have seen. Meanwhile, Building Stories and Beck’s Song Reader are incredibly imaginative works that require a huge amount of participation from the reader. So without further ado, our Best Books of 2012.

canadaCanada by Richard Ford

Fifteen year-old Dell Parsons has problems unlike most teens: his parents have robbed a bank. What’s more, he becomes an accessory to murder. If you think that’s a spoiler, think again, as Dell reveals these facts about himself in Canada‘s opening lines. When his parents’ ill-advised bank heist goes awry and lands them in the slammer, Dell and his twin sister Berner are left to fend for  themselves. As Berner runs off, a family friend whisks Dell away to Canada before child services can swoop in. But Dell soon finds that his new lodgings have put him in even greater peril in this suspenseful coming-of-age tale.


WildWild by Cheryl Strayed

If you get Oprah’s attention, you’re doing something right. Cheryl Strayed’s spectacular memoir Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail made it onto Oprah’s revived book club, and with good reason. The memoir recounts Strayed’s 1,100 mile trek from the Mojave desert all the way to the Oregon/Washington border, while frequently flashing back to influential events in the author’s life, most importantly her mother’s death. This inspirational book is a powerful testament to personal triumph in the face of internal and external adversity.


gonegirlGone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Bad marriages provide some of the most intense interpersonal drama in both real life and fiction. In Gillian Flynn’s thriller Gone Girl, the intensity of the volatile marriage between dual narrators Nick and Amy is heightened when Amy disappears and Nick is suspected of murder. By hearing both Nick and Amy’s respective points of view, the reader finds herself embroiled within the swirling tension and eventually discovers that neither spouse is entirely what they seem. Gone Girl made the New York Times best seller list for a very good reason.


vonnegutKurt Vonnegut: Letters edited by Dan Wakefield

One of the 20th century’s absolute masters of fiction, Kurt Vonnegut expressed to those dear to him that he didn’t “want to become a character in fiction” himself. In Dan Wakefield’s carefully edited collection of Vonnegut’s letters from the 1940s up through his death in 2007, we see the side of Vonnegut he only revealed to those who knew him. While even his most bizarre fiction was imbued with painstaking humanity and earnestness, we read in his letters about a man who could be petty and fussy when he wasn’t spouting genius. In other words, we see a human.


building storiesBuilding Stories by Chris Ware

Graphic novelist Chris Ware has blown those old-school Choose Your Own Adventure stories out of the water with his new book, Building Stories. This book comes in a sturdy cardboard box and multiple interactive pieces that can be arranged in any way the reader chooses in order to interpret the story, one that focuses on multiple characters and scenarios, including the most prevalent one about a nameless brunette with a prosthetic leg. This unconventional means of storytelling begs more adventurous readers to jump in with both feet.


beckSong Reader by Beck

And no Best of 2012 list is complete without this truly unique gem of a book by offbeat singer-songwriter Beck. Of course, that Best of 2012 could also apply to music, as Song Reader is both a book and new album by Beck all rolled into one. Composed of sheet music, the contents of this book must be played on a piano in order for the music to be heard and the story to be told. Song Reader also manages to be Beck’s most heartfelt work in years.

Find Rare & Collectible Books Online

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Why buy rare and collectible books online?

Rare and out-of-print books may not be carried at traditional, brick and mortar bookstores in your area, or their custom-ordering fee may be too high. Using the internet allows one to find the best price and book condition when considering the purchase of a rare book, or at least a bid. This has the added benefit of browsing at leisure, without pressure.

Find the best condition collectible books at the best price

Our Used Book Search is a great way to find rare and/or valuable books online. It is an easy-to-use comparison tool, that will enable you to see which book marketplaces have your book in stock, and at what price, all in one place.

We hope that we can help you find that allusive, soon to be treasured unique and rare book!

Aside from our book price comparison, you may also find our valuable books guide useful, to better know what to look out for when seeking out rare, collectible, and valuable books:

Guide to finding valuable books

used books online search

The rarest books are pursued with the passion of a collector, or the book lover who wants to personalize a memory. There is a certain status in owning a first-edition of a classic like Charles Dickens‘ A Tale Of Two Cities from 1859. Or the book may be treasured because the author has signed a copy and made personal notes in the cover.

It may be that the value of a book relates to the historical period when it was written. It may be that renewed interest in the Russian Revolution of 1917 may make books from that time collectible, or in some instances only a few copies of a book exist and so the books are valuable because they are scarce. Other books are rare and highly-prized simply because of their age.

In the world of collecting books, antique books can go back to the beginning. Johannes Gutenberg developed the moveable-type printing of books in the 1440’s with the popularized copies of the Bible. A Gutenberg Bible printed in 1456, for example, would be extremely valuable and only offered at the most prestigious, in-person auction.

For some of us, however, we may be on the hunt for a rare book that is important only to us or to a family member. Our Grandmother may fondly remember a children’s picture book that she had growing up. The book may be out-of-print but it may be worthwhile to buy it as a thoughtful gift.

There is a difference then, between sentimental value and monetary value. Let’s now look at the specifics of what makes a book valuable in the capitalist sense of the term:

What makes a book valuable?

The rarity of a book is one factor that can contribute to its value, but it’s not the only determining factor. A rare book is considered valuable when there is a high demand for it among collectors or enthusiasts, and when it is difficult to find copies of the book in circulation.

Demand outstripping supply

Although you may think of books with nostalgia or sentimentality, the truth is that, just like with other commodities, a book is at the mercy of market forces.

This means that, a book is valuable only if it is in high demand, and if the demand is higher than the supply.

Firstly, let’s look at the supply side –

valuable books demand

What factors reduce the supply/make a book scarce?

Limited number of books printed

Sometimes it is a simple case that, especially with the first edition of a book, only a small number of books were printed.

In other cases, a publisher will do a limited print run of certain books, especially for special editions, commemorative copies, or niche publications. Publishers can create limited editions to reduce supply of a unique book and therefore intentionally create desirability.

Once these limited copies are sold out, the book may become scarce on the market.

Age and Deterioration

As books age, they may deteriorate or be discarded, which means that over time, the number of surviving copies decreases, making the book scarcer. 

It is important to note that age can affect scarcity, but age alone isn’t a critical factor. Old books printed in huge quantities are worth very little.

Events that make a book rare or scarce

Aside from the limited number of copies of a book originally in circulation, or the effect of age on taking books out of the market, there are events that can occur to make a book scarce.

Here are some examples of events that may have contributed to a book becoming rare:

Censorship/banned books

Some books have faced censorship throughout history, leading to their removal from circulation. Governments or religious authorities may ban or destroy books they consider controversial, offensive, or politically dangerous. Books that have been censored or banned in the past often gain significant value due to their historical significance, rarity, and the curiosity surrounding their content.

Examples of censored books from the past, include:

"Ulysses" by James Joyce

When “Ulysses” was first published in 1922, it faced extensive censorship in several countries due to its perceived explicit content and obscenity. 

Today, early editions of “Ulysses,” especially those that survived censorship attempts, are highly sought after by collectors.

valuable banned books ulysses

"Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D.H. Lawrence

This novel, published in 1928, also faced censorship and was banned in various countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, for its explicit sexual content. 

The ban was not lifted in the UK until 1960. First editions of the book and early unexpurgated editions are considered valuable collectibles.

"Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov

“Lolita” was published in 1955 and faced controversy and censorship due to its controversial subject matter, which revolves around a relationship between an adult man and an underage girl. 

Despite the controversy, the novel gained critical acclaim and has become a classic of modern literature. Early editions of “Lolita,”

lolita controversial books

The affect of War & Conflict on Book Scarcity

During times of war or conflict, libraries, publishing houses, and bookstores can be targeted or destroyed, causing the loss of books. Additionally, the displacement of people can lead to the scattering of books and the disruption of publishing and distribution, making certain books harder to find.

Here are some examples of rare books that are scarce, partly because of the events of war:

"Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl"

Anne Frank’s diary, documenting her life in hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, is a poignant and important historical record. During World War II, Anne and her family were in hiding from the Nazis, and the diary was eventually published after her death in a concentration camp. 

First editions of the diary, especially early translations and copies with original dust jackets, are considered valuable and highly sought after.

Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak

Published in 1957, this novel depicts life in Russia during the tumultuous years of the Russian Revolution and the subsequent civil war. Due to its anti-Soviet themes, the book was banned in the Soviet Union and faced suppression during the Cold War. 

First editions of “Doctor Zhivago” from the period of its original publication and early unauthorized editions are valuable collectibles.

All Quiet Western Front rare books

"All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque

This anti-war novel, first published in 1928, portrays the harsh realities of World War I. During World War II, the Nazis banned and burned the book in Germany, leading to its scarcity during that period. 

First editions and early translations of “All Quiet on the Western Front” from the pre-war and wartime era are sought after by collectors.

The affect of Authorial Disavowal or Recalls on Book Scarcity

In some cases, an author might disavow their own work or recall copies of a book from circulation. This could happen if the author changes their views or beliefs, or if they decide the content is no longer representative of their current work. As a result, the availability of the book may be limited, increasing its scarcity.

Here are some examples of valuable books that gained value due to authorial disavowal or recalls:

"The Pale King" by David Foster Wallace

“The Pale King” is a posthumously published novel by David Foster Wallace. The author, known for his seminal work “Infinite Jest,” committed suicide in 2008, leaving “The Pale King” unfinished. 

The book was published in 2011, and some editions contain a note by Wallace’s editor, revealing that the author did not want to publish it as it was. This adds to the book’s value among collectors and fans of Wallace’s work.

pale king author disavowel

"J.D. Salinger's Unpublished Works"

After the immense success of “The Catcher in the Rye,” J.D. Salinger became increasingly reclusive and avoided public attention. He continued to write but chose not to publish his later works. 

There are rumors of several unpublished works by Salinger, including novels and short stories, which are highly sought after by collectors. Salinger’s estate has maintained strict control over his unpublished writings, further increasing their value.

"Six Crises" by Richard Nixon

Before becoming the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon published a book titled “Six Crises” in 1962. After his political career took a dramatic turn due to the Watergate scandal, the book went out of print. 

Nixon disavowed some of the content, particularly related to his political and personal actions during the Watergate crisis. As a result, early editions of “Six Crises” became valuable collector’s items.

Six Crises Richard Nixon​

Remember that the scarcity of a famous book can also be influenced by a combination of these factors. And, as time goes on, the availability of certain books can change dramatically, turning what was once common into something rare and highly sought after.

As we have already said, a book may be rare or scarce, but it also needs to have high demand. Let’s now look at what features can make a book appealing and therefore valuable to collectors:

What increases the demand for a book?

Cultural, Social, Political or Historical Significance

When a book holds importance beyond its literary merit, it becomes sought after by collectors, scholars, and enthusiasts.

Cultural Significance

Books that capture the essence of a particular culture, its values, traditions, and societal norms, often become culturally significant

Example: “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu is a classic work of Japanese literature from the 11th century, considered one of the world’s earliest novels. It provides a deep insight into the Heian period’s courtly culture and remains culturally significant in Japan to this day.

books cultural significance

Social Significance

Books that address social issues, advocate for change, or challenge societal norms can attain social significance. Such books often stimulate discussions and debates on important topics, making them highly relevant across generations.

Example: “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe, published in 1852, is a novel that exposed the harsh realities of slavery in the United States. The book had a significant impact on the abolitionist movement, and its influence is credited with helping to shape public opinion against slavery.

Political Significance

Books that comment on political systems, criticize governments, or present alternative political ideologies can gain political significance. These books often shape political discourse and influence the thinking of leaders and citizens alike. Political significance can lead to censorship or even bans in certain regions.

Example: “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, published in 1848, is a foundational text of Marxism and communism. It has had a profound impact on political thought and has been influential in shaping various socialist and communist movements worldwide.

Historical Significance

Books that are directly related to historical events, periods, or individuals can gain historical significance. They provide valuable primary sources and insights into past times, making them essential for historians and researchers.

Example: “On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin: Published in 1859, “On the Origin of Species” is one of the most influential scientific works in history. In this book, Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution by natural selection, which revolutionized the understanding of biology and the development of life on Earth. 

Darwin’s groundbreaking ideas challenged religious and scientific beliefs of the time, sparking intense debates and controversies.

Books by Successful authors

Successful authors can significantly contribute to making a book more valuable due to their reputation, popularity, and the demand for their works. An author with a well-established and respected reputation can significantly increase the value of their books. If an author has consistently produced critically acclaimed and commercially successful works, their name becomes a powerful brand that can attract collectors and readers alike.

Books that have achieved bestseller status tend to be more valuable due to their popularity and widespread recognition. A book that has topped bestseller lists or won prestigious literary awards gains a higher demand among readers and collectors.

authors valuable books

Factors that can further propel an author and their books:

Film & TV Adaptations: If a book by a famous author is adapted into a successful film or television series, its value can skyrocket.

Award-Winning Books: Books that have received prestigious literary awards or recognition from esteemed institutions gain significant value.

Death of a major author: The passing of an influential author can solidify their legacy and historical significance, and thus the death of a major author can often increase the value of their books, particularly in the rare book market.

Unique or special features of a rare book that can raise demand

Aside from the author and the content of the book, a rare book can have some special features that make it more sought-after:

True First Editions

True first editions represent the initial release of a book, capturing the original form and content as intended by the author. Collectors often seek out true first editions to complete their collections or build a comprehensive library of an author’s works. First editions are considered the most authentic and valuable versions of a book, and owning a true first can be a point of pride for book collectors. Later editions just don’t have the same appeal.


An author’s signature adds a personal touch and authenticity to the book, making it a direct connection to the creator of the work.

If an author conducted only limited signings, the scarcity of their signatures can increase the value of the signed books. For instance, if an author rarely attended book signings or passed away early in their career, signed copies may be relatively rare.

The placement of the signature can affect the book’s value. A signature on the title page is often preferred, as it is a prominent and traditional location. Signatures on important pages or within illustrations can also add value.

Books with a certificate of authenticity or those authenticated by reputable experts hold more value. Authenticating the signature provides assurance to collectors that the signature is genuine.

Dust Covers/Jackets

Many collectors consider a book to be incomplete without its original dust jacket. As such, books with intact, original dust jackets are often more valuable than those without. Furthermore, many book collectors appreciate the visual appeal of vintage dust jackets, especially those from specific time periods or with notable cover art.

Dust jackets are more susceptible to wear and damage than the hardcover itself. Consequently, finding books with their original dust jackets in excellent condition can be challenging, increasing their scarcity and value.

Unique Illustrations

Unique illustrations make a particular copy of the book one-of-a-kind, adding to its exclusivity and rarity. Collectors appreciate owning something distinct and exceptional, which can drive up the book’s value.

Plus, original illustrations add artistic value to the book, making it visually appealing and aesthetically significant. The quality and beauty of the artwork can significantly impact the book’s desirability.

Association Copies

Books signed and inscribed by the author to someone of note, such as another author, a celebrity, or a close friend, are called association copies. These books have heightened value due to their personal connections and historical significance.


Most definitely not to be dismissed, as the final point. The condition of a book is crucial when determining its value.

Collectors, who are often willing to pay a premium for rare and valuable books, seek items that are in the best possible condition. Books in excellent condition are more likely to appreciate in value over time, making them sounder investment choices.

Not only this but collectors take pride in owning books in the best possible condition. The pursuit of rare books in excellent condition contributes to the satisfaction of building a quality collection.
This includes the presence and condition of a dust jacket, and the condition of any extra features, such as notes, signatures, or extra illustrations.

Detailed photographs and multiple paragraphs of text can be reassuring when buying a collectible book without seeing it first. The more research you can do on a book, the more confident you can feel that you understand the details on a used book’s condition and therefore its value.

For more about assessing the condition of a used book, when purchasing online, please see our used book conditions guide here

Where now for Used Book Sellers?

book sellersThe traditional high street bookshop is fast disappearing and so what does the future hold for the professional bookseller? The move towards the internet has been massive but competition is ferocious and margins have gotten tighter and tighter. Who will survive and in what form?

There will always be a place for bookstores, albeit a smaller and smaller one. The internet cannot provide for the casual browser who loves the smell and feel of that dusty cosy book filled haven from the real world. Rare books, collectors items, first editions you need to see them and haggle with the owner over the price. This used to be the only way to buy a used book, but we all know that book buying has exploded onto the internet in the guise of Amazon, Abebooks, Alibris et al. This is definitely the future, at least for the volume trading of cheap, mass produced novels, textbooks, reference books, manuals, literature etc. etc. etc.

Most bookstores survive by adding their inventory to the database of these big book listing services but the trend is relentlessly moving away from the costly main street premises to the relatively cheap shop window of the internet where the biggest cost is often shipping.

I remember from my school economics that the ‘perfect market’ was when everyone knew the price that everyone else was selling for. This theoretical market is now a reality and book comparison sites and book search engines like instantly give the best price and location for any given book criteria. It has gotten so competitive in the used book market that paperback novels are selling for 1 cent and any profit is contained in the shipping charge. Herein lies the future where no dealer can afford to rent a shop, cannot afford the cost of any storage area, cannot even afford to employ staff because the profit margin is so small on every single book, just to make a sale.

The most efficient means of delivering the written word is electronically. And with the amazon kindleaffordability of the kindle, what started off as the choice of a few tech savvy people, the reading of ebooks is now a common sight, especially when people are travelling. That being said, many people would still rather print read from paper rather than read it exclusively from the screen and ebooks are generally a lot more expensive than their physical counterparts. In part this is because VAT is charged on ebooks and not on physical books. But what will happen if and when this glitch in the tax system is ironed out? For the moment though, it seems like there may be too much risk of an outcry if they suddenly put this tax onto physical books, and it looks like they would be reluctant to take away this revenue earner from ebooks.

Although us physical book lovers may like to think that price isn’t the main factor of importance in the physical vs ebook debate, in reality it is playing a big driving factor. Part of the cost of a book stems from having a middle man. Sites such as Amazon and Ebay have driven down the cost of books considerably, due to the absence of a need for a brick and mortar business. However, at the end of the day, they are still middle men. Is the future of book selling a scenario whereby the middle man is cut out or at least cut down further? The success of ‘50 shades of grey‘  clearly demonstrates the recent rise to power of self-publishing. If we can cut out publishing houses, can we cut out book selling sites as well? Maybe with some form of automated system  that enables a book to move directly from the writer to the customer.

Whatever the future world of book selling online looks like, one thing is for sure. The current generation uses pen and paper dramatically less then earlier generations, they spend considerably more time in front of screens, and are much more digitally aware. There may still be a balance between the physical book and ebooks at the moment. But if the price of ebooks is driven downwards with changes to taxes or a further cut to middle men, then it is bound to decrease the size of the physical book market further. Although maybe this will just serve to make rare and used books more of a niche market, for avid fans and collectors. Hence, there will be fewer people buying used books, but the price per item will be far higher.